Ray Matheson

15kg over 2 years

“It is a wholesome meal that helps you take the hunger away, my wife and I both utilise the shakes”

Ray Before FatBlaster
Ray After FatBlaster
Please let us know within 25 words why you like the FatBlaster Meal Replacement Shakes?

It is a wholesome meal that helps you take the hunger away, my wife and I both utilise the shakes.

How do you feel now after successfully losing weight with FatBlaster Shakes?

I am planning to lose more.

We would love to know your meal replacement routine! Please share with us:

I have breakfast replaced and my wife has breakfast and lunch replaced.

Would you please share your exercise regime with us?

Walking 3 times a week as work allows.

Do you have any tips on how to stay motivated?

Doing it with your partner.